Booths installation


Stand Design in Milan

ExpoDesign guarantees competence and professionalism in the design and realisation of any type of stand in Milan.Trade fairs, public events, showrooms, fashion shows, conventions, private events: whatever the occasion, the company is able to satisfy the most diverse customer requirements through careful, painstaking work, refined in every detail. At the heart of the company's philosophy are components such as efficiency and highly qualified skills, able to make themselves available to the customer with commitment, transport and passion.

Each stand plays a role in its own right in the overall context in which it is set, be it a trade fair or a private event. Intended for a specific service and occupied by an individual exhibitor, the stand realised by ExpoDesign is the result of long work behind it. The company is also active in order to cope with the inevitable problems that every event brings with it: from the exhibition space to the eference context, logistics and transport of equipment. ExpoDesign is therefore attentive to each individual need, proposing a project based on the specific type of event..

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Expodesign Exhibition Stands

L’allestimento dello stand porta con sé inevitabili responsabilità, tra cui la creazione della perfetta immagine aziendale se si tratta di un evento fieristico: qualunque sia il prodotto o il servizio pubblicizzato, uno stand progettato di tutto punto e dalle caratteristiche aziendali ben evidenziate incuriosisce l’occhio del visitatore di una convention o di una manifestazione pubblica, invogliandolo a richiedere informazioni o spingendolo addirittura all’acquisto. ExpoDesign non viene meno alla missione, ponendo in primo piano gli interessi effettivi dell’azienda committente nel vedere il proprio brand pubblicizzato nel migliore dei modi. Anche attraverso la creativa ed originale installazione di uno stand si dona prestigio e visibilità al brand, fortificandone l’immagine aziendale e soddisfacendo gli obiettivi finali dei clienti.


The best stands for trade fair events

Expodesign is a cutting-edge company, dedicated to hard work and commitment. The design and installation of the best stands for trade fair events, for all tastes and of all types, are its true trademark in Milan and beyond. In addition to trade fair events, we take care of the construction of stands of various types and suitable for any occasion. The underlying philosophy is the design of a finished product appropriate to the context in which it will be placed. If it is a trade fair, ExpoDesign takes care of every detail of the brand display, optimising the corporate image. If it is a private event, it realises stand formats according to the client's specifications. The stand, on the other hand, is a structure that holds a message, a content to be conveyed to the public, be it promotional or linked to the event organised by a public service. The stand implies the active participation of a target audience, from trade fair visitors to party guests, so the visual component of the exhibitor is essential.


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